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5th and 6th class have been very busy learning about WW1 since the start of the New Year. We thought it would be a good time to learn and discover more about the war since we are reading the novel ‘War Horse’ in class. This novel is written by Michael Murpurgo and is set during the First World War.

The class have learned about all the countries in Europe and their capital cities. We paid particular attention to those countries who were involved in the war. The boys and girls have been learning about what life was like for soldiers in the trenches during the war. We put ourselves in the position of a solider and have written letters back home to our families.

We have also completed some beautiful artwork to go along with our theme of WW1.


Contact Us

Tel: 065 682 9636

School Hours

Monday to Friday

Start Time: 09:00

Morning Break: 11:00 – 11:10

Lunch: 12:40 – 13:10

Finish Time

Infants: 13:40

1st – 6th Class: 14:40


Doora, Ennis, Co.Clare


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