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Parents' Association

Who we are:
Doora N.S Parents Council is made up of all the parents who have children attending Doora N.S. At the Annual General Meeting of the Parents Council, a committee of parents are elected. This committee manage the tasks of the Parents Council on behalf of all the parents and serve for one year, which is from one AGM to the next. The elected officers for 2024 -2025 are as follows:
Louise Guilfoyle (Chair)
David Struder (Treasurer) 
Justin O'Regan (Secretary)
In addition to the elected officers, there are sub committee groups who take on certain tasks/activities.

What we do:
Doora N.S Parents Council is the structure through which the parents in the school work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parents Council organises a range of activities and initiates projects which aim to promote the education, interests and well-being of the pupils – our children – of Doora National School. Among the activities we engage with include the Halloween Disco, School Cycle, Christmas cards and Bingo. We collaborate closely with the School Authorities, the Principal, Board of Management and Staff. The monies raised from fundraising events go towards funding various activities in the school for our children. We cannot do this without the help and support from the parents of the school.

Calendar of Events: Click Here


ï‚·National Parents Council Primary
ï‚·Parentline; a national confidential helpline that offers parents support, information, and guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues.

How to contact us/receive information/get Involved
Meetings are held at the school during term time. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
Notification of all meetings and activities/events are communicated through Doora NS Aladdin system. 
If you wish to contact Doora NS PA 2024 - 2025, please contact us by:
Doora N.S. Parents Council Facebook page: Click Here

Contact Us

Tel: 065 682 9636

School Hours

Monday to Friday

Start Time: 09:00

Morning Break: 11:00 – 11:10

Lunch: 12:40 – 13:10

Finish Time

Infants: 13:40

1st – 6th Class: 14:40


Doora, Ennis, Co.Clare


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